Deposit of securities as security for a loan Mortgage Backed Security, MBS 存放证券作为贷款抵押
He said he had withdrawn his savings and placed them in a bank safe deposit box "for security. Who cares about interest right now?" 他表示,他已经支取了自己的存款,将其存放在一个银行保管箱里“以保证安全。现在谁还在乎利息?”
Safety deposit boxes are storage space for valuable items kept in an access-controlled room under tight security. 安全保险箱是在受严格安全控制的房间里保存贵重物品的储物空间。
Margin trading means that security companies lending money to customers for them to buy securities or lending securities to customers for sale, and customers deposit some items to the security companies for security. 融资融券交易,是证券公司向客户出借资金供其买入证券或者出借证券供其卖出,并由客户交存相应担保物的经营活动。